Assembling our new prototype Condor
We take advantage of the current lockdown to pursue the development of our new prototype. This one’s named Condor, after the Andean Condor, one of the largest flying birds in the world and surely the maximum wingspan.
Our Goose prototype has been a great success so far, its modular design and extreme resistance (to shocks and other sources of maker-originated abuse) allowed us to design the whole mechanical, electronic and software architectures. Goose cannot carry much payload though, hence this new design, and the Goose-like barrel mechanical structure. It is mainly made of aluminium beams and 3D printed parts consolidated with carbon fiber. An interesting addition in this version is the pivotable nacelle, allowing for energy-efficient turns. Once again, we placed great emphasis on modularity. For instance, all the electronics (actuators excepted) is gathered within a single removable box. This system, coupled with our simulator, enables hardware-in-the-loop testing and will speed up future designs.
With this prototype, we expect to carry up to 8kg of payload!